GDVM Updates | Mises à jour de la GDVM
On this page you will find reports and updates from the GDVM Executive Committee.
Sur cette page, vous allez trouver des rapports et mises à jour du Comité exécutif de la GDVM.
November 2020 | Novembre 2020
Newsletter | Bulletin
Newsletter | Bulletin
October 2020 | Octobre 2020
Students' Mental Health: A Backgrounder
This memo intends to provide some basic information for academic staff at the School of International Development and Global Studies about mental health concerns facing students in our program.
La santé mentale des é document d'information
Ce document vise à informer le personnel académique de l'ÉDIM à propos des problèmes de santé mentale auxquels font face é à nos programmes.
Students' Mental Health: A Backgrounder
This memo intends to provide some basic information for academic staff at the School of International Development and Global Studies about mental health concerns facing students in our program.
La santé mentale des é document d'information
Ce document vise à informer le personnel académique de l'ÉDIM à propos des problèmes de santé mentale auxquels font face é à nos programmes.
August 2020 | Août 2020
Turning the Tables: International Development and the Game of Empires - Workshop Report
Background: "We are at a critical juncture at this moment in time, facing a growing disillusionment among different sections of the public in countries around the world, both in the South and the North, with the current neoliberal economic and political order that has dominated the world for quite some time. Growing concerns about climate change, rising income inequality, polarization, populist nationalism, and unending military conflicts are a direct consequence of this economic and political order that was historically erected by colonial empires and maintained through the ‘great games’ that the empires played to promote their economic interests and to attempt to maintain their global hegemonies. The ‘development project’ of more recent times is also seen by many as part of these games that empires have historically played to convert subsistent economies into market economies through Official Development Assistance, technical guidance, and institutional development. In this context, ‘development’ as it is known and experienced is now being questioned and contested." View the full report here, prepared by Rapporteur: Sadia M. Malik (Faculty Member, Department of Economics, York University).
Rapport de l'atelier - Renverser les rôles : développement international et les jeux impériaux
*Nous travaillons sur la traduction de ce rapport. La version française sera disponible dès que possible, pour le moment, la version anglaise est disponible ici. Merci de votre compréhension.
Turning the Tables: International Development and the Game of Empires - Workshop Report
Background: "We are at a critical juncture at this moment in time, facing a growing disillusionment among different sections of the public in countries around the world, both in the South and the North, with the current neoliberal economic and political order that has dominated the world for quite some time. Growing concerns about climate change, rising income inequality, polarization, populist nationalism, and unending military conflicts are a direct consequence of this economic and political order that was historically erected by colonial empires and maintained through the ‘great games’ that the empires played to promote their economic interests and to attempt to maintain their global hegemonies. The ‘development project’ of more recent times is also seen by many as part of these games that empires have historically played to convert subsistent economies into market economies through Official Development Assistance, technical guidance, and institutional development. In this context, ‘development’ as it is known and experienced is now being questioned and contested." View the full report here, prepared by Rapporteur: Sadia M. Malik (Faculty Member, Department of Economics, York University).
Rapport de l'atelier - Renverser les rôles : développement international et les jeux impériaux
*Nous travaillons sur la traduction de ce rapport. La version française sera disponible dès que possible, pour le moment, la version anglaise est disponible ici. Merci de votre compréhension.
July 2020 | Juillet 2020
GDVM Roundtable Discussion Report
Purpose: The GDVM Roundtable was organized to introduce the new Executive Committee to members and to recapitulate the role of the GDVM Association. It was also an opportunity to discuss any ideas, issues, and expectations members had for the 2020-21 academic year. The questions raised during the discussion were addressed by the Executive Committee and by Paul Haslam, MA Coordinator. Please see the full report here.
Rapport de la discussion Table ronde GDVM
Objectif: La table ronde de la GDVM a été organisée pour introduire le nouveau Comité exécutif aux membres et pour récapituler le rôle de l'Association GDVM. C'était également l'occasion de discuter des idées, des questions et des attentes des membres pour l'année académique 2020-21. Les questions soulevées pendant la discussion ont été adressées par le Comité exécutif et par Paul Haslam, Coordinateur MA. Veuillez consulter le rapport ici.
June 2020 | Juin 2020
Black Lives Matter Solidarity Ressources
The GDVM Graduate Student Association stands in solidarity with Black students, professors, and administrators who are facing anti-black racism and discrimination in Canada. Please find the various resources and ways to support the Black Lives Matter movement here.
Ressources en solidarité avec "Black Lives Matter"
L'Association des étudiants diplômés en GDVM est solidaire aux étudiants, aux professeurs et aux administrateurs noirs qui sont confrontés au racisme et à la discrimination raciale anti-Noirs au Canada. Veuillez trouver la compilation de diverses ressources et moyens de soutenir le mouvement "Black Lives Matter" ici.
Black Lives Matter Solidarity Ressources
The GDVM Graduate Student Association stands in solidarity with Black students, professors, and administrators who are facing anti-black racism and discrimination in Canada. Please find the various resources and ways to support the Black Lives Matter movement here.
Ressources en solidarité avec "Black Lives Matter"
L'Association des étudiants diplômés en GDVM est solidaire aux étudiants, aux professeurs et aux administrateurs noirs qui sont confrontés au racisme et à la discrimination raciale anti-Noirs au Canada. Veuillez trouver la compilation de diverses ressources et moyens de soutenir le mouvement "Black Lives Matter" ici.
January 2020 | Janvier 2020
Report on MA Consultation
Overview: A consultation with 7 MA students was held on Jan 15, 2020, including representatives of the MA student association (GDVM). Susan Spronk (interim Director) and Paul Haslam (MA Coordinator) represented the School. The Consultation was an opportunity for the MA students to identify some problems with the program. The report available here was prepared by Paul Haslam (MA Coordinator) and was made available to students in June.
Rapport sur la consultation des étudiant(e)s à la maîtrise
Aperçu : Une consultation avec 7 étudiants à la maîtrise a eu lieu le 15 janvier 2020, y compris des représentants de l'association des étudiants à la maîtrise (GDVM). Susan Spronk (directrice par intérim) et Paul Haslam (coordinateur du MA) représentaient l'école. La consultation a été l'occasion pour les étudiants à la maîtrise d'identifier certains problèmes liés au programme. Le rapport disponible ici a été préparé par Paul Haslam (Coordinateur MA) et a été mis à la disposition des étudiant(e)s en juin.